RESULTS:- Wentworth Smith Handicap... David Pitts (B&H) 37, D Raikes (B&H) 37, C Tolman (B&H) 36.
SCRATCH CUP:- George Goddard (West Hove) 69, D Raikes (B&H) 72, N Mason (B&H) 74
TEAM SHIELD;- B&H 179, Dyke 165, West Hove 162, East Brighton 147. Winning team best 5 were D Raikes, C Tolman, D Pitts, N Mason and G Carter.
David Pitts, Winner of Handicap trophy |
George Goddard, Scratch Trophy winner (and he won a bottle of Scotch in the Raffle!)
John Dobbin (Brighton & Hove Captain) recieves Team Shield from BDGS President Dennis Baker |