The Junior Cup (for players of 14 handicap and above) was played at East Brighton yesterday (15th May) in fine but chilly conditions.
The morning semi-final results were:-
Dyke Beat Brighton & Hove 4-1, and East Brighton just beat West Hove on countback of holes up 9-5.
So after lunch The Plate went to West Hove who defeated Brighton & Hove 3-2.
The final between the home club and Dyke G.C. saw the first 3 matches go easily to East Brighton--Dyke managing a half and a win in the last 2 matches--but --too late.
The winning East Brighton team were:-
A Crockford, T Bye, R Boscardi, D Jolley, C Packham, D Phillips, T Macey, M Gillett, R Jackson and Wally Ward. (Pictured below)
East Brighton Captain Ian Richmond and Peter Baker |